Flag Your Way to Freedom!

Do you have your spiritual weapon?

Anatomy of an Angel Flag

The flags come in pairs; there is a right side and a left side. Each flag is semicircular and has a flexible rod sewn into one side. This enables free, safe movement for use inside or outside your home. Most rods are 26-36 inches (unless otherwise noted).

Praise & Worship are Weapons

Embroidery & Customized Services

Take It Higher

DancinOnWater is a labor of love...for Jesus

Life took an unexpected but wonderful turn. I was in need of a business idea in order to pay for living expenses. As I spent time with Him, I remembered how much flagging helped me enter in to worshipping Him. After much prayer, I felt led to make my own flags and sell them. He gave me a business strategy that blew my mind!

But wait Lord, I don't know how to sew!

His arm is never too short. All He needed was my "Yes." It turned out that the gal I was living with knew a few sewing machine basics (for example, how to thread the bobbin). The rest was entirely Him. He gave me the pattern, stitches and techniques over time. Incredible!

Hundreds of flags later...

The testimony of Jesus continues on. Bodies healed, hearts opened, continual restoration of many lives. He is soooo faithful! My favorite parts are praying with someone as I give them the flag(s) and teaching them a few moves. It's awesome to watch them explore -- I always learn something new from they way they move!!

He is worthy to be praised!

Day and night, night and day...let incense arise to the One who is worthy! Flags and banners expand the expression of worship beyond singing and instruments. If you are one who needs to move, then move!!!